29 Inspirational Business Quotes and Why We Love Them

best business quotes about success growth

We asked 29 small business owners, startup founders, and leaders to share their favorite business quote. What makes that quote so meaningful to them? How has it motivated them throughout their entrepreneurial journey? Here’s what they had to say.

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1) My favorite business quote is by Steve Jobs, who wisely said, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” 

I heard this quote about 10 years before I started my first business, and liked the quote so much when I heard it, I added it to my email signature. Fast forward 10 years, when I was in the early development stages of my corporate wellness firm. I remember standing in my office, looking out the window, and feeling so excited and grateful for the business I was creating…and I felt as if a lightbulb went off above my head as I realized that “all of the dots have connected!” I share this story with my team and students, as a way to motivate and inspire them to believe in the power of when the dots connect.

Beryl Krinsky, Founder & CEO, B.Komplete

2) My favorite quote is, “You have to try.”

It’s so simple; it’s just four words, but it reminds me that it’s important to really push myself and at least try. Whether I succeed or fail is secondary. I have to try first. Whether it’s doing the work of executing or whether it’s just being kind to my team (in good times and bad), I realized the first step is to try.

Tenaz Cardoz, Founder and Marketing Consultant, Kind Hearts Brigade

3) One of my favorite business quotes is from Bill Gates: “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

This resonates with me because it frames challenges as opportunities for growth.

Every negative feedback is a chance to improve not just our products and services, but our understanding of our customers’ needs. Embracing this mindset has been crucial for refining our business approach and enhancing customer satisfaction, which is essential for any entrepreneur.

Tobias Liebsch, CEO & Co-Founder, Fintalent.io

4) “If you’re not failing, you’re not pushing your limits, and if you’re not pushing your limits, you’re not maximizing your potential” is a quote I live by.

It reminds me that failure isn’t a setback—it’s a sign that I’m stretching myself. In business, you have to step out of your comfort zone to grow, and this quote encourages me to take those risks. It’s about seeing failure as progress, not defeat, and always aiming for the next level.

Amar Ghose, CEO, ZenMaid

5) As a tech CEO, my go-to quote is from Mack R. Douglas: “The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself.”

It’s a simple message, but deeply impactful. It reminds me that as a leader, simply setting a goal is not enough—commitment to driving that vision forward is key. This quote motivates me daily to stay focused and dedicated to both my team and our shared goals. That unwavering commitment is the real driver of our company’s success.

Abid Salahi, Co-founder & CEO, FinlyWealth

6) My favorite inspirational business quote is, “If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs,” by Dhirubhai Ambani.

This quote resonates deeply with me as it highlights the importance of pursuing one’s own vision rather than settling for someone else’s. 

Early in my career, I witnessed friends who chose stable jobs over their passions and later regretted not chasing their dreams. Embracing this idea pushed me to venture into entrepreneurship, allowing me to create something meaningful that aligns with my values and goals. 

Every day, I’m reminded to stay true to my aspirations, as they are the driving force behind my success and fulfillment. Taking risks and striving for my own vision has been the most rewarding path I could have chosen.

Valentin Radu, CEO & Founder, Blogger, Speaker, Podcaster, Omniconvert

7) “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door,” said Milton Berle.

You know, no one’s just gonna come up and give you everything you want—money, success, that sort of thing. As someone running my own show, I’ve got to grab success myself and keep pushing through, no matter what. Sure, resting on your laurels would be great, but the reality is there’s always something new coming up that could trip you up. If you don’t stay on your toes, you’re likely to fall behind.

Craig Focht, Co-Founder & CEO, All Pro Door Repair

8)”Risk more than others think is safe. Dream more than others think is practical.” – Howard Schultz

This quote has inspired me to push the boundaries of what’s considered feasible. In the early days of our organization, venturing into the development of a new category of productivity tools was a significant risk. However, this risk was grounded in the belief that there was a substantial need for what we were creating.

I find this quote motivational because it champions the courage to pursue visionary ideas despite skepticism. It’s a call to action to lead with boldness and an entrepreneurial spirit, qualities that define successful leaders and innovators. This mindset has been crucial in navigating the ups and downs of running a tech company and continues to inspire our team to innovate courageously.

Alari Aho, CEO and Founder, Toggl Inc

9) One of my favorite inspirational business quotes is, “The entrepreneur is essentially a visualizer and actualizer.”

This resonates deeply with me because it encapsulates the dual nature of entrepreneurship: the ability to see potential where others see obstacles and the determination to transform that vision into reality. 

Throughout my journey at my company, I’ve learned that success is not just about having a great idea; it’s about executing it with passion and perseverance. For example, when we first launched our tours, we faced significant challenges, from securing reliable partners to understanding market demands. Keeping this quote in mind pushed me to visualize solutions and actualize them, allowing us to thrive in a competitive industry.

My take in the business world is to always remember that being an entrepreneur requires both vision and action. It’s not enough to have ideas; we must also be willing to put in the hard work and make them happen. This quote serves as a constant reminder for me to stay focused, determined, and always strive to bring my ideas to life. In my experience, this mindset has revolutionized the way I approach challenges and has ultimately led to the success of our business.

Peter Hamdy, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Auckland & Beyond Tours

10) My favorite inspirational business quote is, “Always deliver more than expected,” by Larry Page, the co-founder of Google.

I really stand by this because when you go above and beyond what’s expected in your business, that extra effort tends to really wow your clients. The end results are not just satisfactory; they’re better than what anyone anticipated. This creates a positive and lasting impression, which is invaluable.

Amir Elaguizy, CEO and Co-Founder, Cratejoy, Inc

11) My favorite inspirational quote is: “If you’re going through hell, keep going,” by Winston Churchill.

If you’re a business owner and a single parent, this quote applies more often than not. This isn’t a bad thing, though, because I am stronger and more resilient than ever because of both. But most of all, I am so grateful because I am a better person, a better parent, a better businessperson, and my child has learned to be strong, too.

Elena Patrice, Founder, One Parent Wonder

12) My favorite inspirational business quote is, “Where there is no risk, there can be no pride in achievement and, consequently, no happiness.” 

I like this quote by Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s, because it deeply resonates with me as a small business owner. For me, it’s just like a mantra that flares up the entrepreneurial spirit in me, a constant reminder that the path to success is seldom paved with certainty. 

In addition, it serves as a powerful antidote to fear. It encourages me to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Every risk, no matter how daunting, is a chance to learn, to adapt, and to emerge stronger. It’s a reminder that the greatest rewards often come from stepping outside of our comfort zones.

Jehanzaib Ahmed, Founder & CEO, Petbizs

13) My favorite quote is, “The business of business is relationships,” by Harvey Mackay.

Building trust and partnership with suppliers has been key to our 40-plus years of success serving startups and Fortune 500 companies. Rather than constantly switching factories for the lowest price, we invest in long-term relationships, visiting suppliers regularly and problem-solving together. 

For example, when tariffs hit, we worked closely with suppliers to shift production to avoid extra costs. Because of our history, they were willing to accommodate our needs. Transactional relationships lack this flexibility and trust. Focus on mutual benefit, and the bottom line takes care of itself. 

Don’t chase short-term gains at the expense of partnership. Suppliers are an extension of your business, not commodities. We involve our suppliers in product development, share sales data, and discuss continual improvement. They know we value them, so they go the extra mile for us and our customers. Strong, collaborative supplier relationships have been key to overcoming challenges and staying ahead of trends in our fast-changing industry.

Albert Brenner, Co-Owner, Altraco

14) One of my favorite quotes is, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts,” by Winston Churchill.

It’s a simple reminder that in business, nothing is ever truly over until you stop trying. This mindset has carried me through the ups and downs of running my company and previous ventures.

When I started my business, there were countless moments when things didn’t go as planned. I remember a time when we lost a major client because we couldn’t meet their needs fast enough. It was a tough blow, and it would have been easy to get discouraged. But instead of dwelling on it, I focused on learning from the experience. We improved our processes, built a stronger team, and eventually bounced back even stronger.

The key takeaway for any entrepreneur is that setbacks are inevitable, but they don’t define you. What matters is how you respond. Keep moving forward, stay committed to your goals, and learn from every experience.

Elmo Taddeo, CEO, Parachute

15) “If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

This quote speaks volumes to me. It’s a constant reminder that playing it safe usually leads to mediocrity. In the business world, comfort zones are the enemy of innovation and growth. Taking risks allows you to explore new opportunities, and without stepping into the unknown, extraordinary success remains out of reach.

This idea has shaped my own entrepreneurial journey. When I transitioned from an employee to starting my SEO consulting business, the move was filled with uncertainties. However, those risks paid off, leading to the creation of my marketing agency for law firms. By embracing calculated risks, we not only grew but also set new industry standards. Stepping out of your comfort zone is key—it’s where real growth and unmatched success lie.

Casey Meraz, CEO, Juris Digital

16) One of my favorite inspirational business quotes is by Steve Jobs: “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.”

I like it because it emphasizes the importance of passion and dedication in work. It reminds me that pursuing excellence and aligning work with personal values can lead to both professional success and personal fulfillment.

Adrian Pereira, Co-Founder, Eco Pea Co.

17) “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.”

This quote is a powerful reminder for entrepreneurs and small business owners, especially those who strive for excellence in every aspect of their work. This quote resonates because it highlights a common pitfall—getting so caught up in perfectionism that it hinders progress. In the fast-paced world of business, waiting for everything to be flawless often means missed opportunities and delayed growth.

Embracing the idea that “good” is often good enough allows business owners to move forward, adapt, and improve over time, rather than being stalled by the pursuit of unattainable perfection.

Dr. Todd Minars, Owner & Dermatologist, Minars Dermatology

18) My favorite small-business quote is, “Don’t do things you suck at.”

Running a small company means wearing many hats, but it’s important to recognize when to ask for help or hire out certain tasks. Spending time on something only to get subpar results isn’t worth it. Focus on what you do best, and delegate the rest.

Veronica Cockerham, Owner/Founder, Apple Blossom Gift Baskets

19) One of my favorite inspirational business quotes is from Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.”

This quote resonates deeply with me because it captures the essence of the entrepreneurial mindset. In the world of business, your belief in your own abilities can often be the difference between success and failure.

When we were building our company, there were countless moments where the challenges seemed insurmountable. But every time I remembered this quote, it reminded me that the biggest obstacles are often mental rather than physical. If you believe in your vision and your capacity to overcome difficulties, you’re already halfway to achieving your goals. This mindset has been a driving force behind the way I approach challenges, always encouraging me to push forward, adapt, and find solutions, even when the odds seem stacked against us.

This quote is particularly powerful because it underscores the importance of self-belief and determination in entrepreneurship. The journey is filled with uncertainties and setbacks, but maintaining the belief that you can succeed—no matter how tough the circumstances—gives you the resilience to keep moving forward. For me, it’s a reminder that the attitude you bring to your business and your life can shape your reality in profound ways.

Alex Stein, Founder, Storagehub

20) My favorite inspirational business quote is from Steve Jobs: “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”

This seemingly simple phrase encapsulates the essence of the entrepreneurial spirit and continuous growth. This quote inspires me to remain curious, adaptable, and bold in my entrepreneurial journey.

“Stay hungry” reminds me to never be complacent, to always seek new opportunities and ways to improve. It fuels my drive to innovate and push boundaries in our rapidly evolving digital landscape.

“Stay foolish” encourages me to take calculated risks, to not be afraid of unconventional ideas. It’s a call to maintain a learner’s mindset, to question the status quo, and to embrace the unknown.

Yoyao Hsueh, Founder, Blustrat Digital

21) My favorite quote is by the icon of motivational speaking, Zig Ziglar. He is quoted as saying, “Go as far as you can see, and when you get there you will always be able to see farther.”

One of the most limiting beliefs of many small-business owners is that they don’t have a plan all figured out. That they don’t know all the steps necessary to achieve a goal or make something successful. So they procrastinate or defeat themselves before the idea ever sees the light of day. I include myself in that group as well.

Ziglar’s quote reminds me that it is about taking the “next step.” That next step might be as small as writing down my ideas, making a phone call to a colleague to discuss my new idea, or putting together a prototype of a concept and sharing it with a small audience for feedback. Once I take those small steps, I always have more information and insight I can use to take the next step with more confidence and clarity.

Jones Loflin, Keynote Speaker and Author, Helping Others Prepare For Excellence

22) My favorite quote is, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve,” by Napoleon Hill.

When I started my agency 12 years ago as a single mom, I had nothing but a vision and determination. 

Despite countless obstacles and naysayers, I persisted because I believed in my mission to help personal injury firms grow their brands. Now, we are a team of 10 serving clients nationwide. 

When times were tough in the early days, I’d remind myself that challenges are temporary, but quitting lasts forever. There were many chances to give up, but success comes to those who refuse to quit. If you have a vision, believe in yourself, build a great team, and never quit, you can achieve amazing things.

Nicole Farber, CEO, ENX2 Legal Marketing

23) One of my favorite quotes is, “Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.”

I like it because it shows the importance of hard work and focus. In home improvement, challenges and opportunities are always there. Instead of waiting for success, I believe in staying busy with our projects and goals. This mindset keeps us motivated and helps us deliver value to our customers.

Andrew Merrick, Owner & CEO, Aquasoltech

24) My favorite inspirational business quote is, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

This Chinese proverb resonates deeply with my journey as an arborist and entrepreneur. When I started my company, I often wondered if I was too late to the digital game. But this quote reminded me that it’s never too late to start something meaningful. Just as a newly-planted tree can grow into a mighty oak with proper care, our platform has flourished from a small idea into Australia’s leading arboricultural resource.

This quote also embodies the long-term perspective crucial in both tree care and business—the actions we take today shape our future success. Whether it’s nurturing a sapling or cultivating a startup, the key is to start now and persist with patience and dedication. This wisdom has guided me through challenges, encouraging me to focus on growth and potential rather than dwelling on missed opportunities.

Ben McInerney, Founder, GoTreeQuotes

25) My favorite business quote is, “Care about people more than money.”

As an entrepreneur, it can be easy to get caught up chasing profits and forget the real reason you started a business—to serve people. When you put people first, money takes care of itself.

For 13 years, I’ve built my business by caring for clients and my team. We go above and beyond for clients, which leads to referrals and loyalty. My team knows they’re valued, so they do great work.

An unhappy client complained and threatened to leave. Instead of making excuses, I listened, apologized, and gave a full refund. She was shocked, stayed, and now refers others. Caring for her was the right choice.

Money is a tool, not the goal. Focus on people, serve them well, and your business will thrive. Anyone can apply this by evaluating choices based on how they impact clients and the team, not just the bottom line. Make people your priority, and success will follow.

Jay Owen, CEO, Business Builders

26) One of my favorite business quotes comes from Steve Jobs: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

I like this quote because my passion is the driving force behind my success. It helps me keep going when dealing with challenges. When you genuinely love what you’re doing, it’s easier to push through difficulties and continually strive for excellence.

This way of looking at things allows me to stay motivated. It keeps me focused on creating value for my clients.

Dan Brown, Founder and CEO, Textun

27) One of my favorite quotes is by Peter Drucker: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

I like this quote because it encapsulates the proactive mindset that entrepreneurs need to succeed. Instead of waiting for opportunities to arise or letting market conditions dictate their path, successful entrepreneurs take control and shape their own destinies. It’s a reminder that innovation, vision, and determination can turn ideas into reality and influence the future landscape of an industry. This quote inspires action and reinforces the importance of being a creator, not just a participant, in the business world.

Bhanu Pratap Singh, Co-Founder, Rajni Intimates

28) “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

The quote emphasizes the importance of action over mere discussion. For entrepreneurs, it serves as a reminder that success requires initiative and execution rather than just planning or dreaming.

Furthermore, the quote resonates with entrepreneurs because it encapsulates key principles of success:

  1. Action Orientation: Walt encourages taking decisive steps rather than getting stuck in planning.
  2. Proactivity: He highlights the need to create opportunities and not just wait for them to appear.
  3. Customer-Centric Approach: Disney reminds business owners of the critical role customers play in their success.
  4. Risk-Taking: This quote inspires individuals to pursue higher goals and not settle for mediocrity.

I use these principles every day when running my business, and I often think of an addendum to Walt’s quote, which is a similar message from the late, great Andy Grove, early CEO of Intel: “A bad decision is better than no decision at all.”

Jason Shulman, Owner, Colorado CareAssist

29) “The harder I work, the luckier I get.” – Thomas Jefferson

There are several variations, but this is the one that I like.

Casey Hart, Owner, Informer Messages on Hold

Muskan Garg - SEO Strategist

Muskan Garg

Muskan's been an SEO Strategist for over 5 years, helping websites get noticed and climb the ranks on search engines. She's really into how people behave online and loves using her critical thinking skills to come up with personalized SEO plans for her clients. Her SEO expertise is featured on Entrepreneur, Marketer Interview and more.

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