9 Fun Personal Branding Exercises to Make You Stand Out

9 Fun Personal Branding Exercises to Make You Stand Out

Ready to take your personal brand to the next level?

We chatted with 9 experts about their favorite personal branding exercises.

These fun, tried-and-true tips will help you get a clearer picture of your brand, show off your authenticity, and stand out with style. Ready to explore? Let’s go!

1. Start a Brand Experiment Journal

An engaging exercise I recommend for someone building their personal brand is to create a “brand experiment journal.” This journal serves as a safe space for you to explore and play with various facets of your brand without the pressure of immediate results or perfection. 

In your journal, set aside time each week to brainstorm ideas that align with your brand but challenge you to push beyond your comfort zone. For example, try writing a blog post on a topic outside your usual expertise or experiment with different styles of social media posts—perhaps video content if you typically stick to text. You might also include sketches, thoughts about new collaborations, or reflections on what inspires you. The key is to treat it as a sandbox for your brand: experiment without fear of judgment or perfection. 

As you fill the journal, pay attention to what excites you or resonates with others. You’ll discover more about what truly represents you and could lead to fresh, dynamic ways of presenting your brand to the world. Not only does this nurture your creativity, but it also allows for meaningful growth and adaptation as you refine your personal brand. It’s a rewarding journey of self-discovery that can lead to unexpected insights and directions for the development of your brand.

Matt Little, Founder & Managing Director, Festoon House

2. Create an Authentic Introduction Video

Here’s a fun personal branding exercise I recommend: create a short video introducing yourself and your business in an authentic way. Keep it casual and lighthearted, around 10-15 seconds. Share what you’re working on and give a quick glimpse into your daily routine. Videos are highly engaging on platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram.

As the founder of a digital marketing agency, I’ve found success in sponsoring local community events. We provided our services as a donation and had a great time interacting with attendees. Though we didn’t see an immediate boost, our website traffic and revenue have significantly increased since. My advice is to get involved in your local community. Reach out to event organizers and vendors to see how you can help. Provide something unique that highlights what your business offers. Giving back is a win-win.

Creative personal branding requires thinking outside the box. Come up with an activity, challenge, or contest to engage your audience. For example, we ran a March Madness-style bracket to determine the most popular marketing tool. Participants voted and shared their reasons. The interaction and discussions were hugely valuable. Look for interactive ways to start a conversation around your brand and industry.

Kevin Watts, President & Founder, Raincross

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3. Map Out Industry Stars

I would like to refer to this kind of creative exercise, which I call the “Industry Star Map.” Start by investigating the top personalities in your preferred field; they may be thought leaders, influencers, or just individuals whose work you like. See what makes these professionals stand out by reading their blogs, watching their videos, and following them on social media. 

Don’t stop there, though; interact with their material! Make meaningful remarks, share their posts with your own perspectives, and strike up discussions. By doing this, you not only get to learn from the greatest but also gain recognition in the community. You’ll begin to identify trends in what functions, which you can subsequently modify and personalize with your own flair.

Kartik Ahuja, Digital Marketer, kartikahuja.com

4. Develop an Ideal Client Profile

As a branding expert, I always encourage clients to create an “ideal client” profile. Develop a bio for your dream client by imagining their interests, values, and characteristics. Then consider how your brand could enrich their life in a fun and memorable way. Come up with a creative concept to pitch this “client” and bring their experience to life. This exercise helps uncover what makes your brand unique while allowing your personality to shine through in an authentic way. Focusing on your customer in this vivid, storytelling fashion is a powerful way to build connection and highlight what you’re all about.

Dylan Cleppe, Co-Founder & CEO, OneStop Northwest LLC

5. Post Day-in-the-Life Content

As a growth strategist, I’m always encouraging clients to get creative with their personal brands. One fun personal brand exercise is creating “day-in-the-life” content. Post short video clips throughout your day, showing your work setup, meetings, and coffee breaks. It gives followers insight into your work and personality. 

Collaborating with others is powerful. I’ve interviewed influencers in my industry, which exposed my brand to new audiences. Look for people with a shared message or customer base. Cross-promotion through takeovers, guest posts, or livestreams builds credibility through association.

Visuals are key for engagement. Share casual behind-the-scenes photos. I’ll post pics of my desk or chat about what I’m working on. Quick clips discussing upcoming projects or events perform well. People connect more with relatable individuals. Authenticity builds trust and loyalty.

Cameron Gawley, Owner, Cameron Gawley

6. Host a Behind-the-Scenes Day

For someone working on their personal brand, I’d recommend hosting a “Behind-the-Scenes Day” on social media. This fun and creative exercise involves sharing glimpses into your daily life, unique work processes, or personal hobbies through photos, videos, and stories. It allows your audience to connect with you on a more personal level and see the genuine aspects of your life and work that aren’t usually visible. 

This kind of content can make your brand feel more authentic and relatable, helping you stand out and build a stronger, more engaging personal brand. Plus, it’s a great way to showcase your personality and values in a way that’s both entertaining and memorable!

Azam Mohamed Nisamdeen, Founder, Convert Chat

7. Craft Your Superhero Origin Story

One of the personal branding exercises I’d recommend is the “Superhero Origin Story” challenge. This exercise taps into the power of storytelling to make your brand memorable and relatable.

Start by imagining yourself as a superhero in your professional field. What’s your origin story? What unique experiences or challenges shaped your journey? What’s your superpower—that special skill or perspective you bring to your work?

Craft this narrative in a compelling, concise format—think of it as your elevator pitch with a twist. This story should highlight your unique value proposition while being engaging and easy to remember.

I’ve seen professionals use this exercise to great effect, turning mundane bios into captivating narratives that stick in people’s minds. It’s not just about listing achievements; it’s about creating an emotional connection with your audience through shared experiences and aspirations.

Yoyao Hsueh, Founder, TopicalMap.com

8. Design Visual Mood Boards

For someone working on their personal brand, I recommend a creative exercise called “Storytelling Through Visual Mood Boards.” This exercise involves gathering images, colors, fonts, and symbols that represent different aspects of your personal brand and arranging them into a cohesive visual collage. Start by identifying key elements of your brand, such as your values, passions, and professional goals. Then, search for visuals that resonate with these elements and arrange them on a digital or physical board. 

This process not only helps you visually articulate your brand but also allows you to explore and refine the aesthetic and emotional aspects of how you want to be perceived. By translating your brand into a visual narrative, you create a compelling and memorable representation that can guide your online presence, from your website to social media profiles. Plus, it’s a fun and engaging way to tap into your creativity and see your brand from a new perspective.

Shehar Yar, CEO, Software House

9. Compose a Personal Brand Anthem

One fun and creative exercise for crafting a memorable personal brand is to create a “brand anthem.” Think of it as your personal theme song—a catchy tune that encapsulates your values, personality, and the unique essence of what you bring to the table. It could be an existing song that resonates with you or even an original composition! 

This exercise isn’t just about having a good time (though that’s definitely a bonus!). It forces you to distill the core of your brand into a single, memorable expression. Plus, you can share your anthem on social media or use it in your professional materials, adding a touch of personality and flair that sets you apart.

Zeke Abraham, Vice President, Prime Line Packaging

Muskan Garg - SEO Strategist

Muskan Garg

Muskan's been an SEO Strategist for over 5 years, helping websites get noticed and climb the ranks on search engines. She's really into how people behave online and loves using her critical thinking skills to come up with personalized SEO plans for her clients. Her SEO expertise is featured on Entrepreneur, Marketer Interview and more.

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